Mid Century Shapes - New Pattern Design
As I continue along this journey, of course there is always so much more to learn. It is at times overwhelming. There are classes to take, new skills to learn and then or course- practice practice practice.
This is all good stuff-you should stretch your ability and not be fearful of venturing into "uncharted waters" However all this learning can be a means by which to avoid the more difficult parts of starting a business and that is actually "doing the work" and putting yourself (and your art) out into the world.
For me I have been working "away behind the scenes" learning and practicing new skills however I have not made the leap into actually making a tangible product. So what is stopping me-of course I am afraid. It seems such a "big commitment" and the question of "what if" (no one likes by designs, my art, my products) is holding me back.
I read something recently which resonated with what I have been experiencing. It was a short article that focused on two words "Motion" vs "Action" Motion is simple-keep moving forward (learn more, practice more) Action on the other hand requires more commitment. Action is more purposeful and generally is associated with some sort of accountability. Action is my new best friend!
Mid Century - Shapes