Sarah Bertochi - Handmade

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New Pattern Design - "Bubbles" in Desert Pinks

New scarf design - "Bubbles" 

This last week has flown by - I have been so busy trying to prepare a marketing package. As a result I was not able to pay as much attention to some of my social media updates and blog post. ​ I am sending you this post via my phone-that's a first! 

The marketing package as some of you may already know, is something I pulled together to test the waters for a few scarf designs I am hoping to put into production.  It's one thing for me to spend time on the design/development (and of course I'm always my biggest fan) however to really test the marketability of your product it only makes sense to put it out to a wider audience to survey. This is a bit scary because as usual you always question whether or not other people will "get" your design aesthetic and understand your point of view. 

I have been able to get a pretty sizable group of like-minded women to take my marketing survey and I am so looking forward to their input.  Stay tuned for more updates once I have the survey results tabulated. ​