Sarah Bertochi - Handmade

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News - Konmari January Update

For the month of January I decided to focus on clearing out my clothes closet. Although I had completed this exact same exercise once before, I realized I could still par down even more. As it turns out, I had held onto a number of pieces primarily because I had convinced myself I would "eventually fit back into it" or could not get my head around the fact that "I spent too much $$$ to just throw it out". These pieces are now all bagged up and ready for the donation center.

In addition to clothing, I am also clearing out shoes and handbags. Yes it's true, I am (sadly) parting with a number of designer shoes and bags. I've realized these are just "too fancy" for my everyday "yoga pants" lifestyle. Funny how your personal style/tastes change as you get older/retire!

Initially I am looking into possibly selling these items. I've discovered two wonderful apps which allow you to post images, set your selling price and once sold, collect your earnings. I've had great success to date and it's been really easy - I've sold two wallets and one satchel. The apps are from Poshmark and from Tradesy. If you want to check out any of my items for sale, see the links HERE and HERE.

Are you a subscriber? If you find anything of interest, message or email me before you make your purchase, I can offer an additional 10% to newsletter subscribers.