Sarah Bertochi - Handmade

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News- New Fabric Line

After months of research and a sprinkle of self doubt on my part (i.e. Is my collection ready for "Prime Time"?) I am taking the next step in the development of my own fabric line!

I have partnered with an American manufacturer based out of Pennsylvania who is helping me set up a sample program while I figure out distribution and wholesale markets. This is super exciting as it means my fabric line is one step closer to launch! The first step for me is to narrow down my product offering.

I have 90+ patterns which I need to sample prior to finalizing which designs and colors will actually make the collection. The image above represents a color swatch blanket, the blanket is a printed version of the manufacturer's color library. Since colors appear differently on your monitor than they do once printed, this is a crucial step in ensuring the final printed fabric colors are true to my design intent.

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