Sarah Bertochi - Handmade

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News - Gaining Momentum, 5773 Admirers

Like most of you, I subscribe to many of the social media outlets - Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. These are great tools for getting the word out about your product and/or service. The key is consistency.

I have for the past 5-6 months, posted to all of my media channels using a posting service and have 2-3 posts a day scheduled out about a week in advance. Using a posting service has been the key to not only making the process easier but it has greatly added to my consistency. Without the service I doubt I would remember when to post and how often. The added benefit of using a service is that you get analytics once a week with great information regarding "your reach" (or success) of each listing. I personally do not spend a lot of time analyzing my weekly report card, I do however pay attention to those posts which receive the highest "likes" and/or "shares" and make a mental note with regards to the topic so that I can plan future posts accordingly.

I post articles that relate to my graphic design business as well as about things in general that are of interest to me.   I have also become a "power pinner" on Pinterest. Pinterest might seem like an odd fit for a graphic design studio but pinning images of my various patterns will lead folks directly back to my web site should they click thru on the pinned image.  I have created a number of pattern boards which revolve around different themes and use the mobile app on my phone to pin images whenever I find I have 2-3 minutes of downtime.  It does not take much to post 15-20 images a day-sounds like a lot but really it's a simple routine to get into. 

Posting consistently will make you a "power pinner" and as such, are you likely to get traffic to your boards and thus more "follows".  Again the ideal scenario is to drive folks back to your web site.  I have also applied for Rich Pins which was accepted so now all of my pins feature my logo and url to my site, neither of which can be changed by other pinners.  The end result is all of this actually has helped my site gain more notice and with a bit more time I hope new clients.  Below is my most recent analytics report card from Pinterest-