News - Another Successful Workshop

Yesterday I had the opportunity to teach my Intro to Block Printing workshop to a wonderful group of students at the Suzan Baldoumas Creative Studio in Carlisle. I’m always thrilled to share what I know with an engaged and genuinely interested group.

We had a full house with 10 students. Initially this was a bit of a concern for me as it hard to be available to everyone at the same time! I worried that someone would not get the attention they needed and would walk away with a less than ideal experience. My fears were totally unfounded as student very generously learned to share and help each other especially during portions of the program which required more hands-on work.

Teaching is not a large part of my art practice however I really enjoy the interaction and find it is a great way to reconnect with my audience in a way that is very different from my market/show experiences.

I am thankful to have met Suzan Baldoumas earlier this year thru a mutual friend. We quickly realized our shared interests and thought teaching at her studio might be a good fit - Suzan operates a wonderful studio space offering a wide variety of creative workshops and classes. I recently took an workshop on how to upcycled old, unworn and broken jewelry and had a blast! I would highly recommend anyone to check out the rotating list of available classes on her website.